Hills Physiotherapy has been operating for over thirty years and its ongoing success is directly attributable to serving the specific needs of the local populace in an increasing number of locations. Physio in Scoresby is particularly relevant, given the local demographics of the area.
Breakdown of Scoresby Demographics and Relevance to Physio Needs
Age of Population and Activities within the area
Scoresby has a relatively young median/average population (6022 according to the latest records) and the average age is 36. This indicates a population in the prime of their working life and physically active, not only in their choice of vocation, but also in recreational pursuits. As much as we tend to think we are indestructible at that age, this is not the case and leads to all manner of work and sport related injuries, whether it’s ligament damage and muscle strain from playing football, basketball, cricket, netball and tennis, to work related injuries. All of these can significantly benefit from a reliable physiotherapy practitioner near Scoresby.
Occupations Benefiting From Physiotherapy and Physio Support
With 34% of the Scoresby working population involved in highly physical jobs such as Labouring, Construction and Trades, it is inevitable that injuries will occur. Fortunately, the locality has professional, accessible and highly effective help on hand in the form of the local Hills Physiotherapy practice near Scoresby. Active and hard-working people in their prime tend to be more prone to injury than most other demographics (labourers in particular) and this, coupled with daily physical stress, highlights both the likelihood that workers will over-exert themselves and the further likelihood of work-related injuries occurring.
Physio Services Offered by Hills Physiotherapy Knox in the Scoresby Area
Different injuries and strains require different attention, and Hills Physiotherapy has a local practice in Knox which covers all essential bases in assisting with rehabilitation after an injury and preventative exercise advice to strengthen the surrounding muscles and tissue to help minimise ongoing problems.
Contact Hills Physiotherapy Knox today
Physio Services include
Physiotherapy – diagnosis, pain control and rehabilitation
Remedial Massage – stress relief, pain reduction and maintenance
Myothyerapy – pain relief using a variety of techniques
Orthotics – support devices such as foot and knee braces
Click for a list of our full services
Hills Physiotherapy Philosophy
Hills Physiotherapy is committed to continually providing high quality and expert physio support to Scoresby locals from experienced and highly qualified therapists. Services are one-on-one, working with the patient to deliver effective care, ongoing support and ultimately, a long term, pain-free future.