Hills Physiotherapy partners with industry and provides Occupational Health training that is cutting edge, and evidence-based – turning the traditional Occ. Health training on it’s head entirely. Why continue to teach people that keeping the back straight and bending the knees will reduce the risk of back injury – it’s not only wrong, it’s part of the problem. Why are we being so protective of something that is built to bend and move and adapt to loads over time? Why is the workplace filled with messages of danger and fragility? The companies below are partners with Hills Physiotherapy, to change the culture of pain , injury management and worker health. Get in touch if your Occ. Health partner is still teaching outdated messages about lifting or manual handling!

Logo for our partner Kincrome Logo for our partner CSR Bradford Logo for our partner Newell Brands Logo for our partner Rubbermaid Logo for our partner Interflow Logo for our partner Symbion Logo for our partner EBOS Healthcare Logo for our partner Electric Scheele Logo for our partner Brigham Plumbing Logo for our partner Metro Pits Logo for our partner Gearon Group

Stop settling for the same old rubbish that we’ve all heard before. “Be careful of your back!”, “Bend your Knees”. Does your Occ Health partner teach you a bunch of stretches to do before the start of the work day? Stretches don’t reduce the risk of injury. Neither does telling people to bend their knees or keep their back straight, these slogans just continue to convince people that they are fragile, and that any back pain is their own fault because they didn’t lift “correctly”. News Flash – there is no “correct way” to lift. The lower back enjoys a range of movement strategies and lifting techniques, and in fact if you lift the same way all the time this causes fatigue, and tissue irritation, likely causing pain.

We also give power to the employer, setting up a company credential on our online booking portal so that injured workers can be booked in on the same day, with immediate email back to the Occ Health Manager post-treatment to communicate workers capacity and likely prognosis of the condition. Workers feel supported and employees love the lack of LTIs. Give your old provider the flick and get with the times! Your work force will love you for it.