Hills Physiotherapy offers a multitude of solutions for women during or after pregnancy, including for pre and post natal pelvic issues, and prophylactic care.

My name is Vanessa- I’m the practice manager of Hills Physiotherapy.

I’d love to share a bit about my second pregnancy with our son Griffin – as my first pregnancy was pretty uneventful until my Caesarian Section, which I swore I wasn’t having. I know now that had I been going to Pilates regularly (yes, during pregnancy) that I might have curbed some of my late stage pelvic pain, and improved my recovery after the birth.

Pregnancy can be a daunting time and for me this started prior to being pregnant as I had to undergo IVF treatment. I have endometriosis and adenomyosis, and thankfully I was referred to my specialist Dr. Jim Tsaltas at Melbourne IVF.

women standing holding pelvis

A Caesarian Section is major surgery; despite this it is possible to get back up and running pretty quickly if you have the right team of professionals at hand, and you do a little work up front. Pilates, Pilates, Pilates- before, during, and after, and yes- even way after. This was a complete game changer between the two pregnancies. I was coming off of two rounds of hormones and pelvic issues, and one major surgery just to get pregnant, so by the time IVF was successful, I was a mess. A few short weeks into my pregnancy I started attending a group Pilates class with Ben – only stopping at 37 weeks. It was advised that I’d have to undergo another Caesarian due to birth risks, so I was going to give it all I had to strengthen up prior to this. What a difference this made. I was up and out of bed on the same night and although still an arduous recovery the down time was shorter and I was certainly stronger. After about 6 weeks I began a postnatal Pilates class with Amy Isaac, a few other Mum’s and all of our babies. The class is challenging, but certainly don’t be intimidated by it. There were lots of laughs, a few baby tears, a few feeds in the reception area/treatment rooms and more than a few babies crawling away while we had class. Don’t worry, they don’t get very far. Between my weeks of Pilates with Amy, a bit of treatment from our Physios, and Remedial Massages I was getting into my new life as a busy working Mum of two boys.

There is so much that Physiotherapy and Allied Health can offer for support while you’re growing your family. We have Alysia Raftery- who is a Myotherapist and Naturopath. She’s your “go to” for support while you’re thinking about getting pregnant, if Naturopathy is indicated in IVF support. Alysia even has a new line of teas (Cheeki Tea) that are all Naturopath created and designed for emotional support and wellbeing. Daniel Smit is a Physiotherapist AND Chinese Medicine Practitioner, so if your specialist has suggested that Acupuncture might help – he’s your guy. He should know- he has 4 little ones of his own, and calming is one of his specialities. He’s also a highly skilled Physiotherapist, and can support that familiar back/pelvis pain of pregnancy, and the shoulder/lower back pain of feeding and carrying babies when they have arrived. Amy Isaac is our Pre/Postnatal Pilates expert. Amy is also a highly skilled Myotherapist, and she’ll take you through you Pilates classes before and after baby is born. I always loved that when something felt “weird” or “hurt” -with Amy’s training I knew that she could explain what was happening (and what was normal or not), and whether I was being overly cautious/ when I could push my battle weary body a bit further.


Smiling woman standing on fence



pilates during pregnancy

Ok ladies. So there it is. The guide to what we have to offer (some of it, anyway!) for your before, during, and after baby bod. It’s a journey for sure, and if you’re anything like me you’ll need a few professionals on hand to help you sort out what your body is doing!

– Ness